Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Is Psoriasis Contagious – An Introduction

Living with psoriasis is a challenge, not only to yourself but also the people around you. Family members, friends and work colleagues are a part of your everyday life. If you are diagnosed with psoriasis, some of your possible major concerns – is psoriasis contagious? Can I give it to someone by touching them? Will psoriasis spread to other parts of my body?

It’s normal to have these kinds of thoughts to run through your mind. After all, psoriasis just erupted on your skin from nowhere.

It’s estimated that about four to seven million American are diagnosed with psoriasis every year. Do all of these new psoriasis patients contract from another psoriasis sufferer? To decode the question – “is psoriasis contagious”, we need to take a look at how psoriasis develops. Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease, caused by genetics. In other words, the body’s immune system is being mistakenly triggered causing skin cells to be produced too rapidly. The normal skin cell replacement cycle takes about 21 – 28 days. However for patients with psoriasis they take 2 – 6 days to replace. Since the root cause is the body’s own immune system, there is no way psoriasis can be contracted by contact or passed on to someone. Thus psoriasis is not contagious.

It is possible for psoriasis to worsen due to infection, weather, diet imbalance or stress. These are known as triggers to the immune system. Triggers can worsen the affected skin area, but it won’t cause a spread from the affected area to other body parts. To simply put, touching your psoriasis affected skin and then placing your hand on other parts of the body won’t cause psoriasis to develop there. But internal triggers can make psoriasis appear on unaffected parts of your body. This is the reason why self-attention is important for psoriasis sufferers. Controlling your diet, regular exercise and stress management is essential to keep psoriasis under control.

But, is psoriasis contagious if you are sharing something with someone? (Example: sharing your bed with your wife)

The answer again, is a no. Psoriasis cannot be passed on by contact or sharing the same items. In case you develop psoriasis due to a common trigger such as an infection or a severe illness, it is possible to pass on that infection or illness on to others. Psoriasis itself is not contagious, but the underlying factors which resulted in psoriasis could be contagious. But remember, not everyone develops psoriasis when contagious infection or illness is caught. Infection and illness is mere trigger factors of psoriasis, the chances of developing psoriasis due to these triggers depends on multiple other factors too.

I hope this has given you a clear picture to the question – is psoriasis contagious.

Another thing to note, psoriasis can evolve into psoriatic arthritis for some psoriasis sufferers. Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory, destructive form of arthritis. About 10%-35% of psoriasis patients are associated with this disorder too. Joint pains can be the initial signs of psoriatic arthritis with a completely clear skin. This disorder is treated with medications to stop the progression. As for psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis is not contagious. Yet, psoriasis patients need to be aware of possibilities in developing psoriatic arthritis, as it’s known to cause nail and finger loss.

These concludes – is psoriasis contagious. Even though psoriasis is not contagious, always remind yourself to keep a tab on efforts to heal psoriasis and possible emerging signs of psoriatic arthritis. The latter can be critical.


  1. Psoriasis is not contagious. Yes, I believe that.

  2. I have been fighting this disease using psoriasis natural treatment. Many have misconception about this type of disease. Thank you for your post.

  3. Hi I am Dr Deepak Bhalla and I am a Ayurvedacharya I have cure for the dangerous disease Psoriasis. I have cured millions of patients in India.

    I want to write about the skin disease Psoriasis. This skin disease is spread all across the world. In India Psoriasis is spread vastly in the rural as well as in urban areas. Psoriasis is a challenging papulosquamous dermatological disease with no known etiology and no perfect therapy for controlling the disease. Multiple therapies involving steroids and critical drugs like methotrexate (double edged knife drug) Are being used with unpredictable therapeutic response. Further there is no advanced clinical method to understand and evaluate the efficacy of treatment. Psoriasis is chronic relapsing disease of the skin characterized by variable clinical features. It is a challenging disorder with no known etiology and no perfect medicine for controlling the disorder. Medical professionals all over the world are looking for a safer drug which can control the Psoriasis though not cure.

    The cutaneous lesions are usually so district that a clinical diagnosis is easy to make. The lesions are classified as erythrosquamous, which indicated that both the vasculature (erythema) as well as the epidermis (Increased scale formation) are involved.

    The morphology of the skin lesions varies considerably. The terms commonly used to describe the different morphologic types of the disease. Psoriasis vulgaris is the most common type of psoriasis. Circular plaques are predominant on the elbows, knees, lower back, and the retroauricular areas of the scalp, whereas eruptive (guttate) lesions are often confined to the trunk and proximal extremities. Psoriatic erythroderma involves the entire body, presenting with generalized erythema and varying degrees of scale.

    Psoriasis may also present in a pustular form. There is a generalized form, usually referred to as pustular psoriasis (von Zumbusch), and a localized variant, confined to the palms and soles, known as pustulosis palmaris. In rare instances, in psoriasis of the plaque type or guttate psoriasis, pustules may develop after acute relapses (psoriasis with pustules).

    The clinical presentation varies depending on a number of factors, which may cause an individual to present with a few localized psoriatic plaques or with generalized skin involvement and the development of pustules. The disease activity is reflected predominantly as scaling in stationary plaques and as inflammation in the eruptive guttate lesions.

    Psoriasis can be diabling not only because of skin involvement but also because of concomitant joint disease. Psoriasis arthropathy is the only recognized noncutaneous manifestation of the disease. Psoriasis can be controlled and cured completely with the help of only ayurveda. Ayurvedic medicines proved to be the best medicine for Psoriasis which can not only control from aggravating but it can also control this disease completely from the roots.

    Dr. Deepak Bhalla is one Ayurvedacharya who came with success for lakhs of Psoriasis suffers all across the country. He not only cured these patients but also gave them complete relief from this disease off all age group without any side effects. Today he challenges the alopathic medicines and steroids which was given to psoriasis patients all across the world and result in death. Aurvedic medicine is miracle for this dangerous disease called Psoriasis.

    Contact Detail
    Dr Deepak Bhalla : +919810584818

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