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  1. Dear Tulia Ghobushi,
    Thank you for your very good blog where patients of psoriasis can share their experience in cure p. The same I wish to do.
    In first time I new about p in very distance now 1961 when I met my future wife. She had plaque p in seriouse form from her 9 yo to her 34 yo. We sometimes passed at exclusive circle: doctors, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies. It is not depends that we was slightly more then 20 yo and without any experience, we could understood that it is blind alley. What we must to do? Sit, wait and hope when scientists decision that problem or to seek medicine ourselves. We chose second way. Our work took us many yrs of our life but in 1977 we finally cured her and from those time disease never renew. What tragedy patients of p now? Main tragedy in side effects that they recieved after curing now existent preparations. As a rule they began cure only one disease, but after some yrs they have chronic illnesses of liver, kidneys, arthritis and so forth. Some patients in result cure p as much as destroyed their organism, that they hardly can put together. That sadly.
    Fill free at my

  2. Dear Tulia Ghobushi,
    Thank you for your very good blog where patients of psoriasis can share their experience in cure PSORIASIS. The same I wish to do.....i'm srilatha i've attacked by this psoriasis.i have hurted in so many things becas of this skin problem ..... i want to speak with u mam ...please help me ....i'm from can i buy this product.????

  3. Dear Tulia,

    I am interested in this Psoriasis Free For Life too but the guarantee does not appeal to me for two reasons.

    1. First, they need to make clear their definition of the word "cure". If they are guaranteeing a remission within 60 days after using their product, then it means nothing to me. My flare ups don't last more than 60 days before they subside on their own making this no more than another "big deal" come on for me to buy their product.

    2. If by the word "cure" they are referring to a total remission with the guarantee that I would be "psoriasis free for life", what happens now if my psoriasis resurfaces after a year which is not uncommon hence it's definition of being chronic? Surely, their guarantee would not cover me because of its 60 day limit and, if so, does it mean now that I would just end up as another victim who was duped into spending my money on chasing false hopes?

    Sincerely awaiting your reply to

    Thank you,

    William Bill Dellota
